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StampManage USA 2011 Scott Catalog Stamp Collecting Software
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StampManage USA 2011 Scott Catalog Stamp Collecting Software

Vēl kāda programmiņa -> Stamp Collection Manager
Stamp Collector 5.0 Features:
1) Printing reports
Included in the software is the option to create your own custom reports on the stamp fields. Standar reports are also included.
2) Customized Fields:
Stamp Collector supports several fields all of which can be changed from the default settings. This allows users to alter the program to their Stamp collection.
3) Detail and History Sections:
The 'Details' section allows you to enter a detailed description of the stamp. The "History" section is for you to input the history if the stamp including the ownership history.
4) Export and Import of files:
The program can export to a .csv file. This function allows you to export the Stamp Data Base to another spreadsheet or database.
5) Help is included:
Stamp Collector is programmed to be simple to use, but help fields are included, just in case.
6) Multiple collection files:
The user can create multiple Stamp Collector files for different stamp collections or to create backup copies of the Stamp data base.
7) Image Fields:
An image or graphic field can be linked to a picture (i.e. .gif or .jpg) on your computer. Usually this picture is a scan of the Stamp, but can be anything that the user feels is needed for the collection. A thumbnail of the picture or stamp is shown on the main screen which allows the user to quickly scan through the stamp collection and find the stamp.
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Stamp Collector 5.0 Features:
1) Printing reports
Included in the software is the option to create your own custom reports on the stamp fields. Standar reports are also included.
2) Customized Fields:
Stamp Collector supports several fields all of which can be changed from the default settings. This allows users to alter the program to their Stamp collection.
3) Detail and History Sections:
The 'Details' section allows you to enter a detailed description of the stamp. The "History" section is for you to input the history if the stamp including the ownership history.
4) Export and Import of files:
The program can export to a .csv file. This function allows you to export the Stamp Data Base to another spreadsheet or database.
5) Help is included:
Stamp Collector is programmed to be simple to use, but help fields are included, just in case.
6) Multiple collection files:
The user can create multiple Stamp Collector files for different stamp collections or to create backup copies of the Stamp data base.
7) Image Fields:
An image or graphic field can be linked to a picture (i.e. .gif or .jpg) on your computer. Usually this picture is a scan of the Stamp, but can be anything that the user feels is needed for the collection. A thumbnail of the picture or stamp is shown on the main screen which allows the user to quickly scan through the stamp collection and find the stamp.
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Re: Filatēlistu katalogu programmas
Vēl kāda programma ar daudzsološu nosaukumu - philately
Info no mājaslapas:
Info no mājaslapas:
Philately is the first in the world
The first in the world complete mobile catalog of the former USSR countries postage stamps since 1990.
The first in the world Soviet illustrated stamped envelopes colored catalog from 1953 to 1992.

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